l’art de s’envoler, premiers croquis (2013), courtesy of the artist


Summer 2019

PROJECT // Le grand verre (ou l’art de s’envoler / flyer for flight)

This choreographic research creation is part of an evolving project I’ve been working on since 2013, inspired by childhood dreams where I learned to fly. A philosophical questioning on body and spirit actualization in confrontation to capitalist acceleration and technological advancement, this exercise aims to engage the spectator and performer in a critical reflection on art and its function in society. If humans had spent less time inventing planes, would our desire to fly have manifested itself differently? Would we have developed the ability to fly with our own bodies?

Maryse Arseneault
par Annie France Noel

BIO // Maryse Arseneault loves the wind in the leaves, the cracking ice and sea chants. She holds an MFA in Studio Arts from Concordia University (2015) and continues to work in multidisciplinary creation in Montreal. An Acadian from Moncton, Arsenault has presented her work in professional settings since 2005, including at the Galerie Sans Nom (2012),  Eastern Edge Gallery (2013) and the Galerie du Nouvel Ontario (2015). In 2018, she participated in several projects, including her first experience as a curator, presented at the art gallery Louise-et-Ruben-Cohen at Moncton University and participation in CONTACT festival in Toronto. In conjunction with an ecological thinking and a contemporary desire to connect with nature, she pursues her artistic interventions through performance, drawing and audio-video among other tools.