March 11 to 15, 2019 – 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.)
$120 full week – No drop-ins – FULL
Open to artists of all disciplines / Bilingual teacher
Capacity: 25 people, priority for full week attendance
Desire, violence, nudity, exhaustion; to play with the limits of the performing body sometimes requires of us to face shadowy areas and things unspoken, as if it were normal, “in the name of art”, to venture into its slippery spaces to the detriment of our comfort and safety. This abandoning of our own limits too often generates confusion, emotional blockages or trauma. How then can we find comfort in the performance of scenes, choreographies or performative actions that are not comfortable to play? By applying communication tools to name our needs and fears, we will learn how to create safe spaces to further explore the outer limits of our performing bodies. Then, by adding a ritual dimension to our actions, we will see how to recover the sacred power of our creative acts.
A multidisciplinary artist, Stéphane Crête has been interested in the limits of representation for over 20 years, mainly through works created within the Momentum collective (Laboratoires Crête, Mycologie, Esteban). His fields of intervention concern both performance and ritual work. He teaches play and creative processes to students in theater (UQAM, Lionel Groulx, École du Cirque), while refining a pedagogy of ritual practice with the school Ho rites of passage. Also active on the “psychospiritual” scene in Quebec and France, he offers various workshops that address issues related to presence and intimacy, through trance, conscious touch, and sacred sexuality.
All workshops are for professional performing artists. Some require advanced dance training.
Registration – Please contact (514) 393-3771 or at A non-refundable deposit of $20 is required to reserve your spot.
Payments – By check, cash, Paypal or credit card on the phone or in person ($1 to $2 fee)
Reimbursement policy– No reimbursement possible without a good reason (ex: sickness or injury).
*Emploi-Québec – With the support of Emploi-Québec. In order to get this rate, participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent resident and live in Québec. Full-time students and social assistance beneficiaries are not eligible to this rate. In case of inadmissibility, you can refer to the non-eligible rate, contact us for questions.
Studio’s accessibility – Consult this page for detailed information.