PROJECT // D’une montagne sans sommet (ponos II)
Why do we impose challenge on ourselves? Does it make us more autonomous, more emancipated, more free? Can voluntary struggle allow us to reappropriate our bodies and our power to act? D’une montagne sans sommet (ponos II) is a philosophical challenge, a dance, a performance that explores this mysterious gap between hardship and emancipation, between effort and satisfaction, between pain and pleasure.
In the way of the ancient ascetics, it is through demanding gestures – a dance of adrenalin and perseverance – that a body draws and expands the strength that composes it. It puts itself to the test: climbing its mountain, becoming its own mountain. The ascent will be powerful.
From a mountain without a summit (ponos II) is a quest for elevation, a cry against the heaviness that pins us down and prevents our creative impulses. It is a process of emancipation through the challenging of the body; because we are infinite mountains.

BIO // Transdisciplinary artist, Lauranne holds a Bachelor’s degree in visual arts, a Master’s degree in sociology and works in the contemporary dance milieu as a performer and choreographer. Sensitive to the urgency of changing our way of being in the world, notably by adopting a minimalist lifestyle, she has developed a great interest in the body-ascetic. At the heart of her work are the notions of self-sufficiency, challenge, emancipation and bodily autonomy. She approaches each of her creations, “Ponos – à l’épreuve du poids” (Tangente, 2019), “D’une montagne sans sommet (ponos II)” (Tangente, 2022), “Tu es le vent” (self-produced, 2022) and “Quand j’ai accouché d’un arbre, j’ai été grande comme une forêt (ponos III)” (work in progress), as tools of self-empowerment. Lauranne teaches visual arts in Cégep and leads workshops in dance and philosophy (Nous Sommes L’Été, BIG BANG). She is also the founder of Devenir(s) corps, a residency and practice space for the performing arts in the Outaouais region.
Yann Villeneuve – sound designer
Tiffanie Boffa – lighting designer
Stéphanie Decourteille – artistic advisor
Camille Dubé-Bouchard – movement consultant
Caroline Laurin-Beaucage and Marijoe Foucher – Outside Eyes