All our workshops are offered at a subsidized rate thanks to the Intervention-Competence program. However, you will notice that prices have increased since last year: we now have to charge taxes, which are included in the price you see!
When you do your taxes, you can request tax refunds. If you’re unsure how, join our Money Jam!
We have established a bursary fund to cover registration fees for artists identifying as Indigenous, people of color, disabled or Deaf artists, and transgender artists. In the registration form, you can let us know about your accessibility needs and request financial aid. Please note that the scholarship is reserved for the “full week” rate, and we require a commitment to participate in the entirety of the workshop. For more information, visit our Financial Accessibility page.
If you don’t qualify for our grants and the cost is a barrier, please contact us at info@studio303.ca. We’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.
On each workshop page, you can register online for the entire week or individual classes by clicking on “REGISTER” or using the registration forms located at the bottom of the page. This will direct you to our ticketing platform, Zeffy.
During registration, Zeffy (our ticketing platform) automatically adds a 15% fee for its operations. This money goes directly to Zeffy — it is not taxes or a donation to Studio 303 (if you want to donate, you can visit this page). You can manually remove these fees. See the instructions with images below:
- Once on the Zeffy page, choose the number of tickets, then click Select.

2. Find the Order section and the sentence: Support the 100% free Quebec platform we use!

3. In the dropdown menu, choose Other, and add $0 as a contribution.

Registration for Individual Classes
For some workshops, registration for individual classes is available. Class tickets will be available on the first business day of the month prior to the workshop (e.g., in September for October workshops).
Credit card is the primary method of payment. Contact us at info@studio303.ca if you need to arrange alternative payment methods.
Waiting List
Workshops have a capacity of 20 participants or less. If the workshop is full, join the waiting list. We will follow the registration order as much as possible, but in case of a last-minute opening, we may contact everyone on the list, offering the spot to the first respondent.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Depending on the circumstances, a full, or partial refund may be offered in case of cancellation. For more information, visit our Cancellation and Refund Policy.