PROJECT // Addendum Actions Criticality with Care (AACC) is a process focused collective learning group formed in July 2020. The group members are Angie Cheng, Ellen Furey, Jon Cleveland, Kate Nankervis, Sasha Kleinplatz, Sonya Stefan and N. Zoey Gauld.
AACC seeks to put the power of action in the hands of individuals, rather than waiting for change to come from institutions. To this end, the group is committed to developing tools, skills and practices to move the dance community towards a healthier, safer and more inclusive environment.
This summer, AACC members will initiate and participate in three workshops with facilitators from different artistic communities working towards understanding, fortifying, reimagining, and engaging best practices within our workplaces.
BIO // Angie Cheng: Artist in dance based in Tiohtiá:ke/Mooniyang/Montreal. Collaborative creation processes ground her ongoing research in performance; investigating the liminal space between creative process and performance event, between spectator and performer. The embodied and specific understandings that arise from these investigations shape her current questions and engagements both in her own work and with others. She has also been actively engaged in the contemporary dance community in the conversations of inclusivity, diversity and accessibility. It’s not just what we make as artists but how. She is committed to practicing consent, respect and accessibility: care in how we are together in all that she is engaged in.
Ellen Furey is a white settler, contemporary choreographer living on Tiohtiá:ke/Mooniyang/Montreal. She is currently in creation for two upcoming collaborative stage works for 2022/23. Alongside her artistic practice, she is undergoing training in mediumship and psychic development (Pamela Meredith, Ana Reluzco) as well as in Conflict Management (Conrad Grebel/University of Waterloo). Ellen is artistic advisor at Danse-Cité.
Jon Cleveland is a white settler, Visual Artist, Lighting designer, and Farmer living within the unceded territory of Tiohtiá:ke (Montreal).
N. Zoey Gauld is a white settler dance artist who lives, works, and studies on unceded indigenous land in Tiohtià:ke / Montréal, Québec. Pursuing her Master of Arts in dance studies at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where she considers livestream space and the possibility of the body to unsettle ideas and identities through movement, Zoey currently collaborates on dance, video and learning projects.
Sasha Kleinplatz is a choreographer, curator, and teacher, working in the field of contemporary dance. She is currently completing a Masters degree at Simon Fraser University where she is focused on dancing consent, and multi-species care through movement.
Sonya Stefan is a white settler dance + media artist who lives, works, and studies on unceded indigenous land in Tiohtià:ke / Montréal, Québec. She is in the post-production phase of film “Truss Arch” with her 80-yr-old mother Angelica. The medium-length work concentrates on female identity, politics, and culture and encapsulates some of the anxieties and tensions existing within the bodies of two generations of women.
Kate Nankervis’s bio coming soon.
Participation in AACC takes on many forms and functions and is not conditional to traditional obligations of attendance.
ONLINE: KAI CHENG THOM (TOR) – Transformative Justice >
Aug. 16, 2021 + Aug. 18, 2021 — 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
ONLINE: EDDIE JUDE HAREVEN (MTL) – Introduction to Understanding and Managing Conflict >
Aug. 24, 2021 + Aug. 26, 2021 — 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
ONLINE: EMILY JOHNSON (NY) + YANIRA CASTRO (BK/NY) – Collective Action towards Transformational Funding >
Aug. 31, 2021— 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
work in progress – a public discussion >
Date and time to be confirmed