Nov. 6th to 10th, 2023 – 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Mon.-Fri.)
Full week rate : $85
Drop-in class rate : $25 – Only on Monday and/or Tuesday (available one month prior)
Language of instruction : a mix of French and English
Questions can also be asked in : English and French
Open to artists of all disciplines
The mask could be mandatory for some activities as an accessibility measure for our teachers or participants. For more information, click here.
This vocal improvisation workshop is designed to let your voices resonate collectively and awaken an array of unheard sounds that lie dormant in your throat. You will participate in various vocal exploration exercises, create conceptual compositions and follow an intuitive choral conducting method for non-musicians. The workshop is for anyone who is curious to explore the full potential of their vocal instrument, especially those who think they can’t sing – no musical experience necessary. This is an artistic, community-based, liberating and fun event!
My approach aims to be inclusive: if one breathes, he/she has a resonant, sonorous and vocal body. That being said, my approach relies heavily on listening and vocal sounds and I communicate information orally only. Many of my exercises have visual elements, for example, a musical directional gesture given by the hands and body. Many of my exercises incorporate movement, but it is optional and voluntary, with many variations possible depending on the comfort of the participants.
Gabriel Dharmoo’s multi-directional artistic practice involves music composition, vocal exploration, drag (Bijuriya), interdisciplinary performance and research. In addition to voice, he particularly explores mixed identity, queer, the concept of imaginary culture and satire. Several of his projects have won awards, including the Canada Council’s 2017 Jules Léger Prize for Wanmansho, and the 2018 Opus Prize for Creation of the Year for his opera À chaque ventre son monstre. His solo performance Anthropologies imaginaires, won awards at the Amsterdam Fringe Festival (2015) and the SummerWorks Performance Festival (2016). Presented at Montreal Arts Interculturels and the Queer Arts Festival (Vancouver), the solo show Bijuriya is the culmination of he’s musical and performative work in drag, after being active on social media (@bijuriya.drag) and the local Montreal drag scene since 2018.
This workshop allowed me to develop a new skill that I will be using in my artistic practice. It also opened up my professional network to artists in other disciplines.
– Emily Spooner-Rodie